ekim, 2021
31EkiTüm GünDünya Kız Çocukları Günü
Etkinlik Ayrıntıları
TUKD İstanbul şubesi olarak ülkemizin 166 yerinde 233 öğrencimizin 956 çocukla umut köprüleri kurdukları sosyal sorimluluk projelerimizin bilgisini Dünya Kız Çocukları günü mesajımızda paylaştık. Bu mesaj Başak Ovacık tarafından ingilzceye
Etkinlik Ayrıntıları
TUKD İstanbul şubesi olarak ülkemizin 166 yerinde 233 öğrencimizin 956 çocukla umut köprüleri kurdukları sosyal sorimluluk projelerimizin bilgisini Dünya Kız Çocukları
günü mesajımızda paylaştık.
Bu mesaj Başak Ovacık tarafından ingilzceye çevrilerek GWI Discussions grubu ile paylaşıldı.Ayrıca GWI Update de yer aldı.
GWI üyelerinin bu çalışmalarımız hakkında yolladıkları mesajları aşağıda bulabilirsiniz.
Submitted by Dr. Basak Ovacik, GWI Vice President, Fundraising and long-time member of the Turkish Association of University Women
According to a report of UNICEF, sexism and unequal distribution of tasks begin at a very young age. According to a charity, a girl gets married in every seven seconds in the world.
In Turkey, 29 percent of the population consists of girls. The number of girls who have been forced into marriage and become mothers in the last 6 years is quite high compared to the ‘official’ figures that can be detected. Since these children are deprived of their right to education, they start life unequipped and often become victims of violence.
Turkish Association of University Women carries out active projects with its branches.
Within the framework of Istanbul branch’s FRIENDSHIP BRIDGE project, which has been going on for 10 years, they supported over a thousand very successful female university students. They are happy to increase the number of their students they have given scholarships to over 350 this year.
They say: We are proud to announce a special Project outcome in the Day of The Girl; During the summer vacation, our students worked with children between the ages of 10-13 in their home towns. Their aim was to be a role model for adolescent girls and enable them to make future plans for higher education. They built bridges of hope.
This year, 233 students trained by Prof. Zuhal Baltaş and her team within the framework of 4 different social responsibility projects. The students have taken 34 training courses on different subjects such as; gender equality and Women, vision, mission and values, living in a Sustainable environment, relations between generations, struggling with stress, body language and empathy. In the light of the trainings, they built bridges of hope with 959 children in 166 different villages/town of our country in their home towns (mostly rural).
Our students read books to them and talked about the importance of gender equality, environment, protecting nature and animals and most importantly having a profession.
They successfully realized the Project and tried to make them dream, and set Goals for the future.
– Congratulations to you all in the Turkish Association for you action project showing life choices in education. Your work with young women working with younger children in home areas is so worthwhile.
Thank you for a great example of volunteering with results.
Well done.
Louise Croot
Past President IFUW 2007-2010
-Congratulations on your continuing efforts, Basak.
I have been fortunate to attend sessions you have held on this work and am touched by the concept and number of girls you have reached.
Well done to you and your team!
Hally Siddons
Congratulations on a great project.
Kathryn Wilkinson
CFUW National President – FCFDU Présidente nationale
– A truly inspiring project in beautiful Turkey where unfortunately education of girl child is a major issue in some parts of the country.
Congratulations to the TAUW for what they have achieved and best wishes for their future plans.
Dr. Ferdiye Ersoy
TUrkish Cypriot Association of UW
– Dear Basak, great job, congratulations to you and your Turkeys companions,
Lots of hugs,
Glenda Hecksher
Plastic Artist
FEMU VP Internacional
GWI MKT Vicepresident
Dear Başak
I read carefully the report about the day of the girl that you sent us last week and I am amazed at your work capacity.
Congratulations on the amount of interesting topics you touch on that reach so many people. You have really involved a lot of women and young people in the work.
From Marbella, with “envy” and admiration, receive a warm hug.
– Dear Glenda, Kathryn, Hally, Ferdiye and Eloisa,
Thank you very much for your encouraging e-mails.I will share your wonderful thoughts with our team.
Lots of love from Istanbul Branch members and students.
Gün ve Saat
Tüm Gün (Pazar)